Chance Ball
A Sports Anime Podcast

S3E4 - This is Not a Pipe Type Burger

Ah, basketball. The sport where you famously run in the worst way possible to maintain your energy. You haven't heard of this technique? You aren't a master of kung fu? How dare you call yourself a baller? Eat this little sandwich right now immediately

Currently watching: Kuroko's Basketball - Season 1, episodes 7 and 8

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S3E5 - Time Wizard Community College

I am logged in to Crunchyroll. I typed my password using only my left hand. I am wearing my Allen Iverson jersey. The lucky item of the day is my exploded DVD player. I have done everything possible to prepare for this episode of Chance Ball. Also being an NFL quarterback seems extremely easy

Currently watching: Kuroko's Basketball - Season 1, episodes 9 and 10

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S3E6 - Giving Myself the Flu

I'm really trying my best to imagine a world where a teenager can hit a shot from literally anywhere on the court and it isn't a global phenomenon. But then again I don't know what today's lucky item is so I guess I have to throw up this brick with my pristine form and hope for the best

Currently watching: Kuroko's Basketball - Season 1, episodes 11 and 12

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S3E7 - No Frogs Remaining

Imagine an anime girl. You're thinking she has huge dobonhonkeroos right? You're guessing she would have huge dorohedoros? Well you're right. But also there's a tiny little pupy so it's impossible to say if the show is bad or not

Currently watching: Kuroko's Basketball - Season 1, episodes 13 and 14

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S3E8 - Randy Johnson is: Da Big Yoonit

We've all had that dream before: not only have you fallen asleep and missed your high stakes basketball game, but you've also lost your Huge Honkers Magazine somewhere in the gym. Luckily all you have to do is dropkick a teammate and everything will be fine. Imagine if the baseball team couldn't afford cleats and they got the god damn dog his own jersey though

Currently watching: Kuroko's Basketball - Season 1, episodes 15 and 16

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S3E9 - Chelsea Clinton Binch Pancake Arena

Last time I hooped vs Seirin High School I was guarding a dude with no tape on his knee and he did a spin move and an entire lemon fell out his pocket.

Currently watching: Kuroko's Basketball - Season 1, episodes 17 and 18

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S3E10 - Venga Burger

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is teppei but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 hoop at seirin high school ^_^

Currently watching: Kuroko's Basketball - Season 1, episodes 19-20

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S3E11 - Woman Moment

Check this drive out motherfucker [I slide one foot out from under me and fall on my ass, its not clear what kind of move I was trying to do]

Currently watching: Kuroko's Basketball - Season 1, episodes 21-22

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S3E12 - Skeleton in the Rafters

At this point I believe it is very clear exactly whose basketball it really is.

Currently watching: Kuroko's Basketball - Season 1, episodes 23-25

We will be covering the first 12 episodes of Stone Ocean on our other podcast, Yare Yare Boys. When we come back to Chance Ball, we'll be watching Yuri On Ice!

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S4E1 - It's Like Wario

Your favorite posting jocks are back to talk about something we know very well: the world of ice skating. YURI!!!! on Ice time, my friends. In this episode we are introduced to the multiple Yuris and their sexual magician coach. Please stream Kidding on Showtime

Currently watching: Yuri on Ice - Episode 1 & 2

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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