Chance Ball
A Sports Anime Podcast

S4E2 - Impossible Whopper

If you had one shot. One opportunity. To bust it down sexual style. Would you capture that moment? Or let it slip? Also the three worst children you've ever seen in your life are there

Currently watching: Yuri on Ice - Episode 3 & 4

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S4E3 - Cryptkeeper Drip

Welcome to the horniest episode of podcasting we've ever recorded. If you don't like it, I must respectfully ask you to blame the Swiss. No wonder Joseph and Caesar had such a horrible time at Piz Bernina. Anyway, check my routine [immediately fractures my ankle to sean kingston beautiful girls]

Currently watching: Yuri on Ice - Episode 5 & 6

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S4E4 - Mop Scholarship

Despite taking place in Russia (at the prestigious Rostlecom Cup) there are very few accents attempted in this episode. Don't be disappointed though, because we officially rank the best and worst characters we have ever seen on a TV show. If you can't take the mess, get the hell out of the rink

Currently watching: Yuri on Ice - Episode 7 & 8

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S4E5 - Whata Wrong With My Wedding

If two guys got married, like with rings and a ceremony, and there was an ordained minister there to make sure it was binding, and all your family and closest friends were there with you in Barcelona, would that be fucked up or what?

Currently watching: Yuri on Ice - Episode 9 & 10

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S4E6 - Phichit Appreciation Society

Well, that's Yuri's Ice. Regardless what you think of the show, I know we can all agree that jail should only exist for Michele Crispino. I hope Yuri and Victor enjoy their lovely heterosexual marriage.

(I edited this one from the Remote Studio in Delaware so sorry if it sounds like shit. Also I didn't forget to put the intro on the track. I don't have the file on my laptop so I couldn't do it even if I wanted. Jokes on you)

Currently watching: Yuri on Ice - Episodes 11 & 12

Join us in 2 weeks when we'll be starting Haikyuu!! Season 2!

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S5E1 - Bokuto Proximity Meter

Ah, it's good to be back in front of the net. The boys are playing games and failing tests. The Bechdel test is passed for the first time in recorded human history. It's impossible to remember English words. The only thing that would make these episodes better is perhaps a cool gigantic 35 year old high schooler

Currently watching: Haikyuu!! Season 2 - Episodes 1 and 2

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S5E2 - Yachi Pelosi

No disrespect to our main character boys, but there are many new boys to play volleyball and many new women to respect. Tokyo does seem to be a hell of a lot better than wherever Karasuno is. Now to take a big sip of my milk and pass my English exam

Currently watching: Haikyuu!! Season 2 - Episodes 3 and 4

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S5E3 - Smile Sweetie

I know this is going to be difficult for our listeners, but imagine a scenario where you're bad at sports. Would you try to get better? Or would you just have an old man hit you with the seismic toss? Regardless of your path, always remember: Tobio is no match for Oikawa-san

Currently watching: Haikyuu!! Season 2 - Episodes 5 and 6

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S5E4 - Mom Creep

Erudite Boy Knower Kay joins us today to discuss the Saga of Tsukki. Imagine if you will: a boy who is large and small at the same time. Now shift gears: what if there were another little freckled boy beside him? How many lunches would you serve them?

Currently watching: Haikyuu!! Season 2 - Episodes 7 and 8

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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S5E5 - Diamond Rotation

We have received top level intel. A tactical BBQ style parcel will imminently be kinetically dispensed upon our current location. Mentally ascertain the parcel, and produce your best movements.

Currently watching: Haikyuu!! Season 2 - Episodes 9 and 10

Send questions in to @youlovetohearit on Twitter!

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